'R 'wy'n nofio tua chartre'm Nêr
Rwi'n morio tua chartre'm Nêr
'Rwy'n morio tua chartre'm Nêr
'Rwy'n nofio tua chartref Nêr

1,(2,(3,(5,(6))));  1,2,3,5,7,(8,(9,(10)));  1,2,3,9,10;  1,2,7,5,3,4,11;  1,2,7,8;  1,2,12.
(Ymdrech y Cristion, a'i fuddugoliaeth.)
'Rwy'n morio tua chartre'm Nêr,
  Rhwng tonnau maith 'rwy'n byw,
Yn ddyn heb neges tan y sêr,
  Ond 'mofyn am ei Dduw.

Mae'r gwyntoedd yn fy nghuro'n ol,
  A mi nid wyf ond gwan;
O cymmer Iesu fi yn dy gôl,
  Yn fuan dwg fi i'r làn.

N'ad fi
    ar aswy nac ar dde,
  I redeg o dy flaen;
Ond dilyn llwybrau
    Brenin Ne',
  Trwy ganol dwfr a thân.

Yn nyfnder profedigaeth du,
  Dos dy hunan o fy mlaen;
Ond i mi gael bod gydâ thi,
  Nid ofnaf ddw'r na thân.

O gwna fy nghalon redeg trwy
  Oll atat ti dy hun;
Na bo difyrwch genyf mwy
  Mewn daear, da, na dyn.

O! cau fy llygaid, rhag im' wel'd
  Pleserau gwag y byd,
Ac imi wyro byth oddiar
  Dy lwybrau gwerthfawr, drud.

A phan bo'n curo f'enaid gwan
  Elynion rif y sêr,
Derchafa'm hysbryd llesg i'r làn,
  I fynwes bur fy Nêr.

Na byddo gwrth'nebiadau'r byd,
  Na chroesau o un rhyw,
I'm hoeri, nac i sugno 'mryd
  Un dim oddiwrth fy Nuw.

Boed dyoddefiadau pur y groes,
  Fel olew i'm hiachau;
Griddfanau dyfnion angau loes,
  I'm rhoddi i lawenhau.

Marwolaeth fy Ngwaredwr mawr
  Yn fywyd pur i mi;
Fel gallwyf roddi oll i lawr
  Yn gôf am Galfari.

Mi ro' fy 'mddiried ynddo ef,
  Mae'n noddfa gref i'r gwan;
Ac er y curo sy arnai lawr
  Fe ddeil fy mhen i'r làn.

Nes cyraedd hyfryd
    lanau'r nef,
  Bydd gadarn ar fy rhan;
A dwg fi trwy'r ystorom gref,
  O dòn i dòn i'r lan.
morio :: nofio
chartre'm Nêr :: chartref Nêr
Yn ddyn heb neges tan ... Ond :: Fy neges bennaf dan ... Yw
mi nid wyf :: finnau 'dwyf
N'ad fi ... I redeg ::      
      Na âd ... I'm redeg
      N'ad im ... Fyth redeg
Trwy ganol :: Trwy ddyfnder
gwna fy nghalon :: gwna i'm calon
byddo gwrth'nebiadau'r :: b'o gwrthwynebiadau'r

William Williams 1717-91
Môr o Wydr, ychwanegiad, 1763.

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Bangor (alaw Gymreig)
Beethoven/Ludwig (L van Beethoven 1770-1827)
Belmont (William Gardiner 1769-1853)
Blackbourne (Fesch)
Brooklyn (W H Havergal 1793-1870)
Farrant (R Farrant 1530-81)
French (1615 Y Salmydd Ysgotaidd)
Ludlow (Spiritual Songs for Social Worship 1834)
  Messia (<1829)
Penmachno (T Hopkin Evans 1879-1940)
St Bernard (Tochter Sïon 1741)
St Mary's (Salmydd E Prys 1621)
St Peter (A R Reinagle 1799-1877)
St Nicholas (M Green)
St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)
Sophia (John Jones 1796-1857)
Tabernacl (W Emlyn Jones 1841-1914)
Tiverton (c.1796 Jacob Grigg)
  Trent (O A King)
Wiltshire (G T Smart 1776-1867)
Winchester (Salmydd Este 1592)
York (Salmydd Ysgotaidd 1615)

  Darfydded son am bleser mwy
  Dyma bechadur truan gwan
  Iesu difyrwch f'enaid drud
  Mi welaf le mewn marwol glwy'
  O Arglwydd rho dy allu mawr
  Yn nyfnder pob cyfyngder du
  Yn nyfnder profedigaeth ddu

(The Christian's struggle, and his triumph.)
I am sailing towards my Chief's home,
  Between huge waves I am living,
As a man without a mission under the stars,
  Except to ask for his God.

The winds are beating me back
  And I am only weak;
O take me Jesus in thy bosom,
  Soon bring me to the shore.

Do not let me
    to the left nor to the right
  Run before thee;
But to follow the paths
    of the King of heaven,
  Through the centre of water and fire.

In the depth of black trial,
  Come thyself before me;
But for me to get to be with thee
  I shall fear neither water nor fire.

O make my heart run through
  All towards thee thyself;
That I may have no more pleasure
  In earth, goods, nor man.

O close my eyes lest I see
  The empty pleasures of the world,
And I veer forever from
  Thy valuable, precious paths.

And whenever my weak soul is beaten by
  Enemies numerous as the stars,
Raise my fainting spirit up,
  To the pure breast of my Chief.

May there be no opposition of the world,
  Nor crosses of any kind,
To chill me, nor to suck my attention
  The least bit away from my God.

Let there be pure sufferings of the cross,
  Like oil to heal me;
Deep groanings of the throes of death,
  To make me rejoice.

The death of my great Deliverer
  As pure life to me;
Thus I can roam all the earth
  Remembering Calvary.

I will put my trust in him,
  He is a strong refuge for the weak;
And though I am beaten down
  He will hold up my head.

Until I reach the delightful
    shores of heaven,
  Be strong on my part;
And lead me through the strong storm,
  From wave to wave to the shore.
sailing :: swimming
my Chief's home :: (the) Chief's home
As a man without a mission under ... Except :: My paramount errand under ... Is
Do not let me ... Run ::      
      Do not let me ... Run
      Do not let me ... Ever run
Through the centre :: Through the depth
gwna fy nghalon :: gwna i'm calon

tr. 2009,10 Richard B Gillion

Toward heaven, my Father's home, I steer,
  Tossed on the billowy flood:
A man that hath no purpose here
  Save seeking for his God.

Opposing tempests beat me back,
  And I have strength no more;
O take me, Jesus, in thine arms,
  And bear to yonder shore.

Let me not swerve
    to right or left,
  Or of thy guidance tire;
Kept in the course
    that heavenward leads,
  Through the midst of flood and fire.
(original order: vv. 1,3,2.)

tr. 1854 Joseph Morris

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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